There is growing interest in the idea that only certain foods should be eaten together and some should be consumed alone. For example, it has been suggested that fruit should be eaten separately from other foods, at least 30 minutes before or 3 + hours after a meal (1). The reasoning behind this is that fruit on its own does not stay in the stomach for long but instead passes rapidly into the intestine where is it digested and where the fiber content is fermented by friendly bacteria, resulting in many health benefits (2). A similar situation should apply with salad greens and I see no reason why fruits could not be eaten with a green salad. However, if these foods were consumed as part of a meal that also contained dense protein such as meat, they would remain in the stomach for much longer and their full dietary impact would certainly be delayed and possibly reduced. I eat fresh organic fruits at least 30 minutes before and over 3 hours after other foods and am feeling very good on it. However, if you have certain medical conditions such as diabetes or fructose sensitivity, then you should certainly consult your physician or dietician first before eating fruits separately.
Christopher J. Jones, M.Sc., Ph.D.
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