Health Freedom Expo, Chicago, Illinois

June 4, 2010

It was Benjamin Franklin who said that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” There is no doubt that health is wealth and for those interested in optimizing their health, the Health Freedom Expo is now being held in Chicago, Illinois at the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center, 1551 Thoreau Drive, […]

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Pesticides and ADHD

May 25, 2010

Previous studies have shown that that exposure to organophosphate pesticides used to spray commercially grown fruits and vegetables may impair the neurobehavioral development of children (1,2). Now, a recent study published in the medical journal Pediatrics has demonstrated an association between organophosphate pesticides and the incidence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)(3). Levels of pesticide […]

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Which Crops Are Genetically Modified?

May 16, 2010

Genetic modification is radically different from using plant breeding techniques to select out particular traits such as disease resistance. In genetic modification, genes from bacteria and viruses are introduced into plant cells in the laboratory and this process can cause significant collateral damage to the plant’s biochemistry, so much so that some animals can detect […]

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Life is Like a Cup of Coffee.

May 12, 2010

This is the title of the inspirational video below, presented by To quote the video; “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.” Please feel free to comment.

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Discovering the Structure of DNA

May 5, 2010

James D. Watson and Francis H. C. Crick talk about their roles in determining the structure of DNA, the genetic material, for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Their collaboration resulted in one of the most important discoveries of the 20th Century.

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The Vaccine Controversy

May 4, 2010

If you missed the PBS Frontline program entitled “The Vaccine War” here’s your opportunity to watch it online. The reason why the controversy over vaccination persists is because many parents have reported that their children have regressed after receiving certain vaccinations. These regressions can lead to autism and other neurological syndromes but the agents […]

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Which Fruits and Vegetables Contain the Most Pesticide?

May 2, 2010

Based on the most current data available, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C., has come out with their latest version of the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides, detailing the twelve fruits and vegetables with the highest levels of pesticide contamination and the fifteen with the lowest (1). The introduction of […]

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No GMO’s with Trader Joe’s Label

April 28, 2010

Trader Joe’s is a popular chain of specialty grocery stores, privately-owned and with headquarters in Monrovia, California. It is a prosperous and growing company, currently operating around 355 stores, approximately half of which are in California and the rest are in 24 other states and in Washington D.C. The company has promised that any product […]

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The Food the Rats Rejected……..

April 21, 2010

The genetically modified food the rats rejected and the mice, cows, elk, deer, pigs, geese and squirrels refused to eat…….has been offered to us. To learn more about this scandal, watch the video below, presented by Jeffrey M. Smith, Executive Director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and author of the best-selling books “Seeds of […]

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The Dangers of Genetically-Modified Foods

April 16, 2010

In the videos below, Jeffrey M. Smith, Executive Director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and author of the best-selling book “Seeds of Deception”, gives a lecture entitled “The Health Dangers of Genetically-Modified Foods and Their Cover-Up”. He has since written a further book entitled ”Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods”. […]

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The information and recommendations given on this site are based upon the experience of the author and on assessments of published findings by others. You should seek advice from an appropriate health professional such as a physician, dietician, nutritionist or exercise specialist if you are considering making changes to your diet and lifestyle, in the event that there may be health and fitness issues and possible food allergies to consider. It is prudent to make changes gradually rather than all at once.