Are You Roundup Ready?

February 25, 2012

This may seem like a frivolous question but it’s meant to be serious as will soon become apparent. Let’s review what we know about Roundup. What is Roundup? Roundup is the brand name of a broad spectrum herbicide which basically means that it can destroy many different types of plant. Its active ingredient is glyphosate […]

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Why Aren’t American Consumers Being Protected?

January 21, 2012

Updated October 1, 2012 1. Genetically modified foods and animal produce raised on GM feed must be labeled in European Union countries. Why not in the USA? 2. The practice of adding antibiotics to animal feed in order to promote growth has been banned in European Union countries since 2006. Why is it still […]

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Which Crops Are Genetically Modified?

December 20, 2011

Genetic modification is radically different from using plant breeding techniques to select out particular traits such as disease resistance. In genetic modification, genes from bacteria and viruses are introduced into plant cells in the laboratory and this process can cause significant collateral damage to the plant’s biochemistry, so much so that some animals can detect […]

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Give Thanks and Stay Healthy

November 10, 2011

As we approach Thanksgiving, this uniquely North American holiday, the nation gives thanks and commemorates the deliverance of the early settlers and the success of their first harvest. Thanksgiving is a time of great feasting, probably the greatest feast of the year, when families come together and sit down to the traditional, rich Thanksgiving dinner, […]

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The Greatest Threat to Our Health Today

October 22, 2011

I believe that the greatest threat to our health today is an ingredient in our diet, the consumption of which has risen dramatically in recent history. I’m talking about sugar. Let’s look at how much our sugar consumption has increased. Here are the figures for Great Britain and they are essentially the same for other […]

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Is there an Association between Time Spent Sleeping and Aging?

September 28, 2011

A research team based at University College London has published the results of a study (1) which show an association between the time spent sleeping and mental aging. The project involved 1,459 women and 3,972 men who were aged 45–69 at the beginning of the investigation. The time spent sleeping ( in hours ) during […]

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How Can We Live a Long and Healthy Life?

August 1, 2011

Perhaps the best way to answer this question is to study those people who actually do live long and healthy lives. There are regions of the world known as Blue Zones where a higher proportion of people live to 100 years or more and in generally good health. What is the secret of their longevity? […]

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Which Fruits and Vegetables Contain the Most Pesticide?

July 10, 2011

Based on the most current data available, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C., has come out with their latest version of the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides, detailing the twelve fruits and vegetables with the highest levels of pesticide contamination ( The Dirty Dozen ) and the fifteen with the […]

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Six Reasons Why Babies and Children are at Greatest Risk in a Toxic World.

June 6, 2011

There is clear and growing evidence that children today are exhibiting higher rates of allergies, attention deficit disorders (ADD, ADHD), autism, developmental defects, learning disabilities, brain cancer and acute lymphocytic leukemia. The prime suspect in all of these conditions is increased exposure to environmental toxins and our children are especially at risk. Even babies are […]

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Protecting Our Children from Toxic Environmental Chemicals

June 4, 2011

There are more chemicals in commerce in the U.S.A. today than ever before, and most have not been properly tested for safety. It is therefore little wonder that allergies, autism, leukemias and developmental abnormalities are on the rise in our children. Please support Senator Frank Lautenberg and his Bill to protect our children from exposure […]

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The information and recommendations given on this site are based upon the experience of the author and on assessments of published findings by others. You should seek advice from an appropriate health professional such as a physician, dietician, nutritionist or exercise specialist if you are considering making changes to your diet and lifestyle, in the event that there may be health and fitness issues and possible food allergies to consider. It is prudent to make changes gradually rather than all at once.